Welcome to resistics’s documentation!#

Soon resistics will be upgrading to version 1.0.0. This will be a breaking change versus version 0.0.6. Currently, the newest version is available as a development release for those who are intersted in experimenting with its updated feature set.

Until version 1.0.0 is released as a stable version, the existing documentation for 0.0.6 will remain at resistics.io.


Resistics has been re-written from the ground up to tackle several limitations of the previous version, namely

  • Processing time

  • Limited traceability

  • Lack of extensibility

  • Difficult to maintain

The new version of resistics aims to tackle all of these issues through better coding practises, putting extensibility at the heart of its design and moving to a modern deployment pipeline.

What’s new?#

The literal answer is everything as this is a from scratch rewrite, which has taken some features of the previous version but combined them with new capabilities.

For most users, notable changes are related to configuration of processing flows and the carving out of specific data format readers into a separate package.

Advanced users will be able to take advantage of opportunities to write their own solvers or processors and a greater ability to customise and extend resistics.

Other smaller changes include:

  • Moving to JSON for metadata as this is a universal format

  • Moving from matplotlib to plotly for plots as they are more interactive

What’s missing?#

The first thing to note is that time series data reader for various formats have been removed from resistics and placed in a sister package named resistics-readers. This is to remove any coupling of data format support to core resistics releases. It is hoped that resistics-readers will receive more community support as knowledge about the various data formats in the magnetotelluric world is distributed around the community.

Statistics are another capability of resistics 0.0.6 that is missing. The intention is to re-introduce these shortly and additionally, make it easier for users to write their own features to extract.

Masks are also missing and these will be re-introduced with statistics.

Next steps#

