Source code for resistics.transfunc

Module defining transfer functions
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any, Union
from pydantic import validator, constr
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

from resistics.common import Metadata

[docs]class Component(Metadata): """ Data class for a single component in a Transfer function Example ------- >>> from resistics.transfunc import Component >>> component = Component(real=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], imag=[-5, -4, -3, -2 , -1]) >>> component.get_value(0) (1-5j) >>> component.to_numpy() array([1.-5.j, 2.-4.j, 3.-3.j, 4.-2.j, 5.-1.j]) """ real: List[float] """The real part of the component""" imag: List[float] """The complex part of the component"""
[docs] def get_value(self, eval_idx: int) -> complex: """Get the value for an evaluation frequency""" return self.real[eval_idx] + 1j * self.imag[eval_idx]
[docs] def to_numpy(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the component as a numpy complex array""" return np.array(self.real) + 1j * np.array(self.imag)
[docs]def get_component_key(out_chan: str, in_chan: str) -> str: """ Get key for out channel and in channel combination in the solution Parameters ---------- out_chan : str The output channel in_chan : str The input channel Returns ------- str The component key Examples -------- >>> from resistics.regression import get_component_key >>> get_component_key("Ex", "Hy") 'ExHy' """ return f"{out_chan}{in_chan}"
[docs]class TransferFunction(Metadata): """ Define a generic transfer function This class is a describes generic transfer function, including: - The output channels for the transfer function - The input channels for the transfer function - The cross channels for the transfer function The cross channels are the channels that will be used to calculate out the cross powers for the regression. This generic parent class has no implemented plotting function. However, child classes may have a plotting function as different transfer functions may need different types of plots. .. note:: Users interested in writing a custom transfer function should inherit from this generic Transfer function See Also -------- ImpandanceTensor : Transfer function for the MT impedance tensor Tipper : Transfer function for the MT tipper Examples -------- A generic example >>> tf = TransferFunction(variation="example", out_chans=["bye", "see you", "ciao"], in_chans=["hello", "hi_there"]) >>> print(tf.to_string()) | bye | | bye_hello bye_hi_there | | hello | | see you | = | see you_hello see you_hi_there | | hi_there | | ciao | | ciao_hello ciao_hi_there | Combining the impedance tensor and the tipper into one TransferFunction >>> tf = TransferFunction(variation="combined", out_chans=["Ex", "Ey"], in_chans=["Hx", "Hy", "Hz"]) >>> print(tf.to_string()) | Ex | | Ex_Hx Ex_Hy Ex_Hz | | Hx | | Ey | = | Ey_Hx Ey_Hy Ey_Hz | | Hy | | Hz | """ _types: Dict[str, type] = {} """Store types which will help automatic instantiation""" name: Optional[str] = None """The name of the transfer function, this will be set automatically""" variation: constr(max_length=16) = "generic" """A short additional bit of information about this variation""" out_chans: List[str] """The output channels""" in_chans: List[str] """The input channels""" cross_chans: Optional[List[str]] = None """The channels to use for calculating the cross spectra""" n_out: Optional[int] = None """The number of output channels""" n_in: Optional[int] = None """The number of input channels""" n_cross: Optional[int] = None """The number of cross power channels""" def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: """ Used to automatically register child transfer functions in `_types` When a TransferFunction child class is imported, it is added to the base TransferFunction _types variable. Later, this dictionary of class types can be used to initialise a specific child transfer function from a dictonary as long as that specific child transfer fuction has already been imported and it is called from a pydantic class that will validate the inputs. The intention of this method is to support initialising transfer functions from JSON files. This is a similar approach to ResisticsProcess. """ cls._types[cls.__name__] = cls @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls): """Get the validators that will be used by pydantic""" yield cls.validate
[docs] @classmethod def validate( cls, value: Union["TransferFunction", Dict[str, Any]] ) -> "TransferFunction": """ Validate a TransferFunction Parameters ---------- value : Union[TransferFunction, Dict[str, Any]] A TransferFunction child class or a dictionary Returns ------- TransferFunction A TransferFunction or TransferFunction child class Raises ------ ValueError If the value is neither a TransferFunction or a dictionary KeyError If name is not in the dictionary ValueError If initialising from dictionary fails Examples -------- The following example will show how a child TransferFunction class can be instantiated using a dictionary and the parent TransferFunction (but only as long as that child class has been imported). >>> from resistics.transfunc import TransferFunction Show known TransferFunction types in built into resistics >>> for entry in TransferFunction._types.items(): ... print(entry) ('ImpedanceTensor', <class 'resistics.transfunc.ImpedanceTensor'>) ('Tipper', <class 'resistics.transfunc.Tipper'>) Now let's initialise an ImpedanceTensor from the base TransferFunction and a dictionary. >>> mytf = {"name": "ImpedanceTensor", "variation": "ecross", "cross_chans": ["Ex", "Ey"]} >>> test = TransferFunction(**mytf) Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: 'out_chans' This is not quite what we were expecting. The generic TransferFunction requires out_chans to be defined, but they are not in the dictionary as the ImpedanceTensor child class defaults these. To get this to work, instead use the validate class method. This is the class method used by pydantic when instantiating. >>> mytf = {"name": "ImpedanceTensor", "variation": "ecross", "cross_chans": ["Ex", "Ey"]} >>> test = TransferFunction.validate(mytf) >>> test.summary() { 'name': 'ImpedanceTensor', 'variation': 'ecross', 'out_chans': ['Ex', 'Ey'], 'in_chans': ['Hx', 'Hy'], 'cross_chans': ['Ex', 'Ey'], 'n_out': 2, 'n_in': 2, 'n_cross': 2 } That's more like it. This will raise errors if an unknown type of TransferFunction is received. >>> mytf = {"name": "NewTF", "cross_chans": ["Ex", "Ey"]} >>> test = TransferFunction.validate(mytf) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Unable to initialise NewTF from dictionary Or if the dictionary does not have a name key >>> mytf = {"cross_chans": ["Ex", "Ey"]} >>> test = TransferFunction.validate(mytf) Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: 'No name provided for initialisation of TransferFunction' Unexpected inputs will also raise an error >>> test = TransferFunction.validate(5) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: TransferFunction unable to initialise from <class 'int'> """ if isinstance(value, TransferFunction): return value if not isinstance(value, dict): raise ValueError( f"TransferFunction unable to initialise from {type(value)}" ) if "name" not in value: raise KeyError("No name provided for initialisation of TransferFunction") # check if it is a TransferFunction name = value.pop("name") if name == "TransferFunction": return cls(**value) # check other known Transfer Functions try: return cls._types[name](**value) except Exception: raise ValueError(f"Unable to initialise {name} from dictionary")
@validator("name", always=True) def validate_name(cls, value: Union[str, None]) -> str: """Inialise the name attribute of the transfer function""" if value is None: return cls.__name__ return value @validator("cross_chans", always=True) def validate_cross_chans( cls, value: Union[None, List[str]], values: Dict[str, Any] ) -> List[str]: """Validate cross spectra channels""" if value is None: return values["in_chans"] return value @validator("n_out", always=True) def validate_n_out(cls, value: Union[None, int], values: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: """Validate number of output channels""" if value is None: return len(values["out_chans"]) return value @validator("n_in", always=True) def validate_n_in(cls, value: Union[None, int], values: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: """Validate number of input channels""" if value is None: return len(values["in_chans"]) return value @validator("n_cross", always=True) def validate_n_cross(cls, value: Union[None, int], values: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: """Validate number of cross channels""" if value is None: return len(values["cross_chans"]) return value
[docs] def n_eqns_per_output(self) -> int: """Get the number of equations per output""" return len(self.cross_chans)
[docs] def n_regressors(self) -> int: """Get the number of regressors""" return self.n_in
[docs] def to_string(self): """Get the transfer function as as string""" n_lines = max(len(self.in_chans), len(self.out_chans)) lens = [len(x) for x in self.in_chans] + [len(x) for x in self.out_chans] max_len = max(lens) line_equals = (n_lines - 1) // 2 outstr = "" for il in range(n_lines): out_chan = self._out_chan_string(il, max_len) in_chan = self._in_chan_string(il, max_len) tensor = self._tensor_string(il, max_len) eq = "=" if il == line_equals else " " outstr += f"{out_chan} {eq} {tensor} {in_chan}\n" return outstr.rstrip("\n")
def _out_chan_string(self, il: int, max_len: int) -> str: """Get the out channels string""" if il >= self.n_out: empty_len = max_len + 4 return f"{'':{empty_len}s}" return f"| { self.out_chans[il]:{max_len}s} |" def _in_chan_string(self, il: int, max_len: int) -> str: """Get the in channel string""" if il >= self.n_in: return "" return f"| { self.in_chans[il]:{max_len}s} |" def _tensor_string(self, il: int, max_len: int) -> str: """Get the tensor string""" if il >= self.n_out: element_len = ((max_len * 2 + 1) + 1) * self.n_in + 3 return f"{'':{element_len}s}" elements = "| " for chan in self.in_chans: component = f"{self.out_chans[il]}_{chan}" elements += f"{component:{2*max_len + 1}s} " elements += "|" return elements
[docs]class ImpedanceTensor(TransferFunction): """ Standard magnetotelluric impedance tensor Notes ----- Information about data units - Magnetic permeability in nT . m / A - Electric (E) data is in mV/m - Magnetic (H) data is in nT - Z = E/H is in mV / m . nT - Units of resistance = Ohm = V / A Examples -------- >>> from resistics.transfunc import ImpedanceTensor >>> tf = ImpedanceTensor() >>> print(tf.to_string()) | Ex | = | Ex_Hx Ex_Hy | | Hx | | Ey | | Ey_Hx Ey_Hy | | Hy | """ variation: constr(max_length=16) = "default" out_chans: List[str] = ["Ex", "Ey"] in_chans: List[str] = ["Hx", "Hy"]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_resistivity(periods: np.ndarray, component: Component) -> np.ndarray: """ Get apparent resistivity for a component Parameters ---------- periods : np.ndarray The periods of the component component : Component The component values Returns ------- np.ndarray Apparent resistivity """ squared = np.power(np.absolute(component.to_numpy()), 2) return 0.2 * periods * squared
[docs] @staticmethod def get_phase(key: str, component: Component) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the phase for the component .. note:: Components ExHx and ExHy are wrapped around in [0,90] Parameters ---------- key : str The component name component : Component The component values Returns ------- np.ndarray The phase values """ phase = np.angle(component.to_numpy()) # unwrap into specific quadrant and convert to degrees phase = np.unwrap(phase) * 180 / np.pi if key == "ExHx" or key == "ExHy": phase = np.mod(phase, 360) - 180 return phase
[docs] @staticmethod def get_fig( x_lim: Optional[List[float]] = None, res_lim: Optional[List[float]] = None, phs_lim: Optional[List[float]] = None, ) -> go.Figure: """ Get a figure for plotting the ImpedanceTensor Parameters ---------- x_lim : Optional[List[float]], optional The x limits, to be provided as powers of 10, by default None. For example, for 0.001, use -3 res_lim : Optional[List[float]], optional The y limits for resistivity, to be provided as powers of 10, by default None. For example, for 1000, use 3 phs_lim : Optional[List[float]], optional The phase limits, by default None Returns ------- go.Figure Plotly figure """ from resistics.plot import PLOTLY_MARGIN, PLOTLY_TEMPLATE fig = make_subplots( rows=2, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, vertical_spacing=0.08, subplot_titles=["Apparent resistivity", "Phase"], ) # apparent resistivity axes fig.update_xaxes(type="log", showticklabels=True, row=1, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="App. resistivity (Ohm m)", row=1, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(type="log", row=1, col=1) if x_lim is not None: fig.update_xaxes(range=x_lim, row=1, col=1) if res_lim is not None: fig.update_yaxes(range=res_lim, row=1, col=1) # phase axes fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Period (s)", type="log", row=2, col=1) fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=True, row=2, col=1) # fig.update_yaxes(scaleanchor="x", scaleratio=1, row=1, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Phase (degrees)", row=2, col=1) if phs_lim is not None: fig.update_yaxes(range=phs_lim, row=2, col=1) # update the layout fig.update_layout(template=PLOTLY_TEMPLATE, margin=dict(PLOTLY_MARGIN)) return fig
[docs] @staticmethod def plot( freqs: List[float], components: Dict[str, Component], fig: Optional[go.Figure] = None, to_plot: Optional[List[str]] = None, legend: str = "Impedance tensor", x_lim: Optional[List[float]] = None, res_lim: Optional[List[float]] = None, phs_lim: Optional[List[float]] = None, symbol: Optional[str] = "circle", ) -> go.Figure: """ Plot the Impedance tensor Parameters ---------- freqs : List[float] The frequencies where the impedance tensor components have been calculated components : Dict[str, Component] The component data fig : Optional[go.Figure], optional Figure to add to, by default None to_plot : Optional[List[str]], optional The components to plot, by default all of the components of the impedance tensor legend : str, optional Legend prefix for the components, by default "Impedance tensor" x_lim : Optional[List[float]], optional The x limits, to be provided as powers of 10, by default None. For example, for 0.001, use -3. Only used when a figure is not provided. res_lim : Optional[List[float]], optional The y limits for resistivity, to be provided as powers of 10, by default None. For example, for 1000, use 3. Only used when a figure is not provided. phs_lim : Optional[List[float]], optional The phase limits, by default None. Only used when a figure is not provided. symbol : Optional[str], optional The marker symbol to use, by default "circle" Returns ------- go.Figure [description] """ if fig is None: fig = ImpedanceTensor.get_fig(x_lim=x_lim, res_lim=res_lim, phs_lim=phs_lim) if to_plot is None: to_plot = ["ExHy", "EyHx", "ExHx", "EyHy"] periods = np.reciprocal(freqs) colors = {"ExHx": "orange", "EyHy": "green", "ExHy": "red", "EyHx": "blue"} for comp in to_plot: res = ImpedanceTensor.get_resistivity(periods, components[comp]) phs = ImpedanceTensor.get_phase(comp, components[comp]) comp_legend = f"{legend} - {comp}" scatter = go.Scatter( x=periods, y=res, mode="lines+markers", marker=dict(color=colors[comp], symbol=symbol), line=dict(color=colors[comp]), name=comp_legend, legendgroup=comp_legend, ) fig.add_trace(scatter, row=1, col=1) scatter = go.Scatter( x=periods, y=phs, mode="lines+markers", marker=dict(color=colors[comp], symbol=symbol), line=dict(color=colors[comp]), name=comp_legend, legendgroup=comp_legend, showlegend=False, ) fig.add_trace(scatter, row=2, col=1) return fig
[docs]class Tipper(TransferFunction): """ Magnetotelluric tipper The tipper components are Tx = HzHx and Ty = HzHy The tipper length is sqrt(Re(Tx)^2 + Re(Ty)^2) The tipper angle is arctan (Re(Ty)/Re(Tx)) Notes ----- Information about units - Tipper T = H/H is dimensionless Examples -------- >>> from resistics.transfunc import Tipper >>> tf = Tipper() >>> print(tf.to_string()) | Hz | = | Hz_Hx Hz_Hy | | Hx | | Hy | """ variation: constr(max_length=16) = "default" out_chans: List[str] = ["Hz"] in_chans: List[str] = ["Hx", "Hy"]
[docs] def get_length(self, components: Dict[str, Component]) -> np.ndarray: """Get the tipper length""" txRe = components["HzHx"].real tyRe = components["HzHy"].real return np.sqrt(np.power(txRe, 2) + np.power(tyRe, 2))
[docs] def get_real_angle(self, components: Dict[str, Component]) -> np.ndarray: """Get the real angle""" txRe = np.array(components["HzHx"].real) tyRe = np.array(components["HzHy"].real) return np.arctan(tyRe / txRe) * 180 / np.pi
[docs] def get_imag_angle(self, components: Dict[str, Component]) -> np.ndarray: """Get the imaginary angle""" txIm = np.array(components["HzHx"].imag) tyIm = np.array(components["HzHy"].imag) return np.arctan(tyIm / txIm) * 180 / np.pi
[docs] def plot( self, freqs: List[float], components: Dict[str, Component], x_lim: Optional[List[float]] = None, len_lim: Optional[List[float]] = None, ang_lim: Optional[List[float]] = None, ) -> go.Figure: """ Plot the impedance tensor .. warning:: This probably needs further checking and verification Parameters ---------- freqs : List[float] The x axis frequencies components : Dict[str, Component] The component data x_lim : Optional[List[float]], optional The x limits, to be provided as powers of 10, by default None. For example, for 0.001, use -3 len_lim : Optional[List[float]], optional The y limits for tipper length, to be provided as powers of 10, by default None. For example, for 1000, use 3 ang_lim : Optional[List[float]], optional The angle limits, by default None Returns ------- go.Figure Plotly figure """ import warnings from plotly.subplots import make_subplots warnings.warn("Plotting of tippers needs further verification") periods = np.reciprocal(freqs) if x_lim is None: x_lim = [-3, 5] if len_lim is None: len_lim = [-2, 6] if ang_lim is None: ang_lim = [-10, 100] fig = make_subplots( rows=2, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, vertical_spacing=0.08, subplot_titles=["Length", "Angles"], ) fig.update_layout(width=1000, autosize=True) # x axes fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Period (s)", type="log", range=x_lim, row=1, col=1) fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=True, row=1, col=1) fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Period (s)", type="log", range=x_lim, row=2, col=1) fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=True, row=2, col=1) # y axes fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Tipper length", row=1, col=1) # fig.update_yaxes(type="log", row=1, col=1) # fig.update_yaxes(scaleanchor="x", scaleratio=1, row=1, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Angle (degrees)", row=2, col=1) # plot the tipper length scatter = go.Scatter( x=periods, y=self.get_length(components), mode="lines+markers", marker=dict(color="red"), line=dict(color="red"), name="Tipper length", ) fig.add_trace(scatter, row=1, col=1) # plot the real angle scatter = go.Scatter( x=periods, y=self.get_real_angle(components), mode="lines+markers", marker=dict(color="green"), line=dict(color="green"), name="Real angle", ) fig.add_trace(scatter, row=2, col=1) # plot the imag angle scatter = go.Scatter( x=periods, y=self.get_imag_angle(components), mode="lines+markers", marker=dict(color="blue"), line=dict(color="blue"), name="Imag angle", ) fig.add_trace(scatter, row=2, col=1) return fig