Source code for resistics.spectra

Module containing functions and classes related to Spectra calculation and

Spectra are calculated from the windowed, decimated time data. The inbuilt
Fourier transform implementation is inspired by the implementation of the
scipy stft function.
from loguru import logger
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Tuple, Dict, List, Any, Optional
from pydantic import PositiveInt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as px

from resistics.common import ResisticsData, ResisticsProcess, History
from resistics.common import ResisticsWriter, Metadata, WriteableMetadata
from resistics.sampling import HighResDateTime
from resistics.time import ChanMetadata
from resistics.decimate import DecimationParameters
from resistics.window import WindowedData, WindowedLevelMetadata

[docs]class SpectraLevelMetadata(Metadata): """Metadata for spectra of a windowed decimation level""" fs: float """The sampling frequency of the decimation level""" n_wins: int """The number of windows""" win_size: PositiveInt """The window size in samples""" olap_size: PositiveInt """The overlap size in samples""" index_offset: int """The global window offset for local window 0""" n_freqs: int """The number of frequencies in the frequency data""" freqs: List[float] """List of frequencies""" @property def nyquist(self) -> float: """Get the nyquist frequency""" return self.fs / 2
[docs]class SpectraMetadata(WriteableMetadata): """Metadata for spectra data""" fs: List[float] chans: List[str] n_chans: Optional[int] = None n_levels: int first_time: HighResDateTime last_time: HighResDateTime system: str = "" serial: str = "" wgs84_latitude: float = -999.0 wgs84_longitude: float = -999.0 easting: float = -999.0 northing: float = -999.0 elevation: float = -999.0 chans_metadata: Dict[str, ChanMetadata] levels_metadata: List[SpectraLevelMetadata] ref_time: HighResDateTime history: History = History() class Config: extra = "ignore"
[docs]class SpectraData(ResisticsData): """ Class for holding spectra data The spectra data is stored in the class as a dictionary mapping decimation level to numpy array. The shape of the array for each decimation level is: n_wins x n_chans x n_freqs """ def __init__(self, metadata: SpectraMetadata, data: Dict[int, np.ndarray]): """ Initialise spectra data Parameters ---------- metadata : SpectraMetadata Metadata for the spectra data data : Dict[int, np.ndarray] Dictionary of data, one entry for each evaluation level """ logger.debug(f"Creating SpectraData with data type {data[0].dtype}") self.metadata = metadata = data
[docs] def get_level(self, level: int) -> np.ndarray: """Get the spectra data for a decimation level""" if level >= self.metadata.n_levels: raise ValueError(f"Level {level} not <= max {self.metadata.n_levels - 1}") return[level]
[docs] def get_chan(self, level: int, chan: str) -> np.ndarray: """Get the channel spectra data for a decimation level""" from resistics.errors import ChannelNotFoundError if chan not in self.metadata.chans: raise ChannelNotFoundError(chan, self.metadata.chans) idx = self.metadata.chans.index(chan) return[level][..., idx, :]
[docs] def get_chans(self, level: int, chans: List[str]) -> np.ndarray: """Get the channels spectra data for a decimation level""" from resistics.errors import ChannelNotFoundError for chan in chans: if chan not in self.metadata.chans: raise ChannelNotFoundError(chan, self.metadata.chans) indices = [self.metadata.chans.index(chan) for chan in chans] return[level][..., indices, :]
[docs] def get_freq(self, level: int, idx: int) -> np.ndarray: """Get the spectra data at a frequency index for a decimation level""" n_freqs = self.metadata.levels_metadata[level].n_freqs if idx < 0 or idx >= n_freqs: raise ValueError(f"Freq. index {idx} not 0 <= idx < {n_freqs}") return np.squeeze([level][..., idx])
[docs] def get_mag_phs( self, level: int, unwrap: bool = False ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Get magnitude and phase for a decimation level""" spec =[level] if unwrap: return np.absolute(spec), np.unwrap(np.angle(spec)) return np.absolute(spec), np.angle(spec)
[docs] def get_timestamps(self, level: int) -> pd.DatetimeIndex: """ Get the start time of each window Note that this does not use high resolution timestamps Parameters ---------- level : int The decimation level Returns ------- pd.DatetimeIndex The starts of each window Raises ------ ValueError If the level is out of range """ from resistics.window import get_win_starts if level >= self.metadata.n_levels: raise ValueError(f"Level {level} not <= max {self.metadata.n_levels - 1}") level_metadata = self.metadata.levels_metadata[level] return get_win_starts( self.metadata.ref_time, level_metadata.win_size, level_metadata.olap_size, level_metadata.fs, level_metadata.n_wins, level_metadata.index_offset, )
[docs] def plot(self, max_pts: Optional[int] = 10_000) -> go.Figure: """ Stack spectra data for all decimation levels Parameters ---------- max_pts : Optional[int], optional The maximum number of points in any individual plot before applying lttbc downsampling, by default 10_000. If set to None, no downsampling will be applied. Returns ------- go.Figure The plotly figure """ from resistics.plot import get_spectra_stack_fig y_labels = {x: "Magnitude" for x in self.metadata.chans} fig = get_spectra_stack_fig(self.metadata.chans, y_labels) colors = iter(px.colors.qualitative.Plotly) for ilevel in range(self.metadata.n_levels): level_metadata = self.metadata.levels_metadata[ilevel] freqs = np.array(level_metadata.freqs) stack = np.mean(np.absolute([ilevel]), axis=0) legend = f"{ilevel} - {level_metadata.fs:.4f} Hz" fig = self._add_stack_data( fig, freqs, stack, legend, color=next(colors), max_pts=max_pts ) return fig
[docs] def plot_level_stack( self, level: int, max_pts: int = 10_000, grouping: Optional[str] = None, offset: str = "0h", ) -> go.Figure: """ Stack the spectra for a decimation level with optional time grouping Parameters ---------- level : int The decimation level max_pts : int, optional The maximum number of points in any individual plot before applying lttbc downsampling, by default 10_000 grouping : Optional[str], optional A grouping interval as a pandas freq string, by default None offset : str, optional A time offset to add to the grouping, by default "0h". For instance, to plot night time and day time spectra, set grouping to "12h" and offset to "6h" Returns ------- go.Figure The plotly figure """ from resistics.plot import get_spectra_stack_fig if grouping is None: first_date = pd.Timestamp(self.metadata.first_time.isoformat()).floor("D") last_date = pd.Timestamp(self.metadata.last_time.isoformat()).ceil("D") grouping = last_date - first_date level_metadata = self.metadata.levels_metadata[level] df = pd.DataFrame( data=np.arange(level_metadata.n_wins), index=self.get_timestamps(level), columns=["local"], ) # group by the grouping frequency, iterate over the groups and plot freqs = np.array(level_metadata.freqs) y_labels = {x: "Magnitude" for x in self.metadata.chans} fig = get_spectra_stack_fig(self.metadata.chans, y_labels) colors = iter(px.colors.qualitative.Plotly) for idx, group in df.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq=grouping, offset=offset)): stack = np.mean(np.absolute([level][group["local"]]), axis=0) fig = self._add_stack_data( fig, freqs, stack, str(idx), color=next(colors), max_pts=max_pts ) return fig
def _add_stack_data( self, fig: go.Figure, freqs: np.ndarray, data: np.ndarray, legend: str, color: str = "blue", max_pts: Optional[int] = 10_000, ) -> go.Figure: """ Add stacked spectra data to a plot Parameters ---------- fig : go.Figure The figure to add to freqs : np.ndarray Frequencies data : np.ndarray The magnitude data legend : str The legend string for the data color : str, optional The color to plot the line, by default "blue" max_pts : Optional[int], optional Maximum number of points to plot, by default 10_000. If the number of samples in the data is above this, it will be downsampled Returns ------- go.Figure Plotly figure """ from resistics.plot import apply_lttb n_chans = data.shape[0] for idx in range(n_chans): indices, chan_data = apply_lttb(data[idx, :], max_pts) chan_freqs = freqs[indices] scatter = go.Scattergl( x=chan_freqs, y=chan_data, line=dict(color=color), name=legend, legendgroup=legend, showlegend=(idx == 0), ) fig.add_trace(scatter, row=idx + 1, col=1) return fig
[docs] def plot_level_section(self, level: int, grouping="30T") -> go.Figure: """ Plot a spectra section Parameters ---------- level : int The decimation level to plot grouping : str, optional The time domain resolution, by default "30T" Returns ------- go.Figure A plotly figure """ from resistics.plot import get_spectra_section_fig level_metadata = self.metadata.levels_metadata[level] df = pd.DataFrame( data=np.arange(level_metadata.n_wins), index=self.get_timestamps(level), columns=["local"], ) fig = get_spectra_section_fig(self.metadata.chans) colorbar_len = 0.90 / self.metadata.n_chans colorbar_inc = 0.84 / (self.metadata.n_chans - 1) # group by the grouping frequency, iterate over the groups and plot data = {} for idx, group in df.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq=grouping)): data[idx] = np.mean(np.absolute([level][group["local"]]), axis=0) for idx, chan in enumerate(self.metadata.chans): df_data = pd.DataFrame( data={k: v[idx] for k, v in data.items()}, index=level_metadata.freqs ) z = np.log10(df_data.values) z_min = np.ceil(z.min()) z_max = np.floor(z.max()) z_range = np.arange(z_min, z_max + 1) colorbar = dict( tickvals=z_range, ticktext=[f"10^{int(x)}" for x in z_range], y=0.92 - idx * colorbar_inc, len=colorbar_len, ) heatmap = go.Heatmap( z=z, x=pd.to_datetime(df_data.columns) + pd.Timedelta(grouping) / 2, y=df_data.index, zmin=z_min, zmax=z_max, colorscale="viridis", colorbar=colorbar, ) fig.append_trace(heatmap, row=idx + 1, col=1) return fig
[docs]class FourierTransform(ResisticsProcess): """ Perform a Fourier transform of the windowed data The processor is inspired by the scipy.signal.stft function which performs a similar process and involves a Fourier transform along the last axis of the windowed data. Parameters ---------- win_fnc : Union[str, Tuple[str, float]] The window to use before performing the FFT, by default ("kaiser", 14) detrend : Union[str, None] Type of detrending to apply before performing FFT, by default linear detrend. Setting to None will not apply any detrending to the data prior to the FFT workers : int The number of CPUs to use, by default max - 2 Examples -------- This example will get periodic decimated data, perfrom windowing and run the Fourier transform on the windowed data. .. plot:: :width: 90% >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> from resistics.testing import decimated_data_periodic >>> from resistics.window import WindowSetup, Windower >>> from resistics.spectra import FourierTransform >>> frequencies = {"chan1": [870, 590, 110, 32, 12], "chan2": [480, 375, 210, 60, 45]} >>> dec_data = decimated_data_periodic(frequencies, fs=128) >>> dec_data.metadata.chans ['chan1', 'chan2'] >>> print(dec_data.to_string()) <class 'resistics.decimate.DecimatedData'> fs dt n_samples first_time last_time level 0 2048.0 0.000488 16384 2021-01-01 00:00:00 2021-01-01 00:00:07.99951171875 1 512.0 0.001953 4096 2021-01-01 00:00:00 2021-01-01 00:00:07.998046875 2 128.0 0.007812 1024 2021-01-01 00:00:00 2021-01-01 00:00:07.9921875 Perform the windowing >>> win_params = WindowSetup().run(dec_data.metadata.n_levels, dec_data.metadata.fs) >>> win_data = Windower().run(dec_data.metadata.first_time, win_params, dec_data) And then the Fourier transform. By default, the data will be (linearly) detrended and mutliplied by a Kaiser window prior to the Fourier transform >>> spec_data = FourierTransform().run(win_data) For plotting of magnitude, let's stack the spectra >>> freqs_0 = spec_data.metadata.levels_metadata[0].freqs >>> data_0 = np.absolute([0]).mean(axis=0) >>> freqs_1 = spec_data.metadata.levels_metadata[1].freqs >>> data_1 = np.absolute([1]).mean(axis=0) >>> freqs_2 = spec_data.metadata.levels_metadata[2].freqs >>> data_2 = np.absolute([2]).mean(axis=0) Now plot >>> plt.subplot(3,1,1) # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.plot(freqs_0, data_0[0], label="chan1") # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.plot(freqs_0, data_0[1], label="chan2") # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.grid() >>> plt.title("Decimation level 0") # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.legend() # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.subplot(3,1,2) # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.plot(freqs_1, data_1[0], label="chan1") # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.plot(freqs_1, data_1[1], label="chan2") # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.grid() >>> plt.title("Decimation level 1") # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.legend() # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.subplot(3,1,3) # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.plot(freqs_2, data_2[0], label="chan1") # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.plot(freqs_2, data_2[1], label="chan2") # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.grid() >>> plt.title("Decimation level 2") # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.legend() # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.xlabel("Frequency") # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.tight_layout() # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ win_fnc: Union[str, Tuple[str, float]] = ("kaiser", 14) detrend: Union[str, None] = "linear" workers: int = -2
[docs] def run(self, win_data: WindowedData) -> SpectraData: """ Perform the FFT Data is padded to the next fast length before performing the FFT to speed up processing. Therefore, the output length may not be as expected. Parameters ---------- win_data : WindowedData The input windowed data Returns ------- SpectraData The Fourier transformed output """ from scipy.fft import next_fast_len, rfftfreq metadata_dict = win_data.metadata.dict() data = {} spectra_levels_metadata = [] messages = []"Performing fourier transforms of windowed decimated data") for ilevel in range(win_data.metadata.n_levels):"Transforming level {ilevel}") level_metadata = win_data.metadata.levels_metadata[ilevel] win_size = level_metadata.win_size n_transform = next_fast_len(win_size, real=True) logger.debug(f"Padding size {win_size} to next fast len {n_transform}") freqs = rfftfreq(n=n_transform, d=1.0 / level_metadata.fs).tolist() data[ilevel] = self._get_level_data( level_metadata, win_data.get_level(ilevel), n_transform ) spectra_levels_metadata.append( self._get_level_metadata(level_metadata, freqs) ) messages.append(f"Calculated spectra for level {ilevel}") metadata = self._get_metadata(metadata_dict, spectra_levels_metadata) metadata.history.add_record(self._get_record(messages))"Fourier transforms completed") return SpectraData(metadata, data)
def _get_level_data( self, metadata: WindowedLevelMetadata, data: np.ndarray, n_transform: int ) -> np.ndarray: """ Run the spectra calculation for a single decimation level The input is an array with shape: n_wins x n_chans x win_size And the output has shape n_wins x n_chans x n_transform Parameters ---------- metadata : WindowedLevelMetadata Level metadata data : np.ndarray Data to transform n_transform : int Size of the transform Returns ------- np.ndarray Transformed data for all windows """ from scipy import signal from scipy.fft import rfft # detrend and apply window if self.detrend is not None: data = signal.detrend(data, axis=-1, type=self.detrend) win_coeffs = self._get_window(metadata.win_size).astype(data.dtype) data = data * win_coeffs # perform the fft on the last axis return rfft(data, n=n_transform, axis=-1, norm="ortho", workers=self.workers) def _get_window(self, win_size: int): """Get the window to apply to the data""" from scipy.signal import get_window from import dpss if self.win_fnc == "dpss": return dpss(win_size, 5) return get_window(self.win_fnc, win_size) def _get_level_metadata( self, level_metadata: WindowedLevelMetadata, freqs: List[float] ) -> SpectraLevelMetadata: """Get the spectra metadata for a decimation level""" metadata_dict = level_metadata.dict() metadata_dict["n_freqs"] = len(freqs) metadata_dict["freqs"] = freqs return SpectraLevelMetadata(**metadata_dict) def _get_metadata( self, metadata_dict: Dict[str, Any], levels_metadata: List[SpectraLevelMetadata], ) -> SpectraMetadata: """Get the metadata for the windowed data""" metadata_dict.pop("file_info") metadata_dict["levels_metadata"] = levels_metadata return SpectraMetadata(**metadata_dict)
[docs]class EvaluationFreqs(ResisticsProcess): """ Calculate the spectra values at the evaluation frequencies This is done using linear interpolation in the complex domain Example ------- The example will show interpolation to evaluation frequencies on a very simple example. Begin by generating some example spectra data. >>> from resistics.decimate import DecimationSetup >>> from resistics.spectra import EvaluationFreqs >>> from resistics.testing import spectra_data_basic >>> spec_data = spectra_data_basic() >>> spec_data.metadata.n_levels 1 >>> spec_data.metadata.chans ['chan1'] >>> spec_data.metadata.levels_metadata[0].summary() { 'fs': 180.0, 'n_wins': 2, 'win_size': 20, 'olap_size': 5, 'index_offset': 0, 'n_freqs': 10, 'freqs': [0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0] } The spectra data has only a single channel and a single level which has 2 windows. Now define our evaluation frequencies. >>> eval_freqs = [1, 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89] >>> dec_setup = DecimationSetup(n_levels=1, per_level=9, eval_freqs=eval_freqs) >>> dec_params =[0]) >>> dec_params.summary() { 'fs': 180.0, 'n_levels': 1, 'per_level': 9, 'min_samples': 256, 'eval_freqs': [1.0, 12.0, 23.0, 34.0, 45.0, 56.0, 67.0, 78.0, 89.0], 'dec_factors': [1], 'dec_increments': [1], 'dec_fs': [180.0] } Now calculate the spectra at the evaluation frequencies >>> eval_data = EvaluationFreqs().run(dec_params, spec_data) >>> eval_data.metadata.levels_metadata[0].summary() { 'fs': 180.0, 'n_wins': 2, 'win_size': 20, 'olap_size': 5, 'index_offset': 0, 'n_freqs': 9, 'freqs': [1.0, 12.0, 23.0, 34.0, 45.0, 56.0, 67.0, 78.0, 89.0] } To double check everything is as expected, let's compare the data. Comparing window 1 gives >>> print([0][0, 0]) [0.+0.j 1.+1.j 2.+2.j 3.+3.j 4.+4.j 5.+5.j 6.+6.j 7.+7.j 8.+8.j 9.+9.j] >>> print([0][0, 0]) [0.1+0.1j 1.2+1.2j 2.3+2.3j 3.4+3.4j 4.5+4.5j 5.6+5.6j 6.7+6.7j 7.8+7.8j 8.9+8.9j] And window 2 >>> print([0][1, 0]) [-1. +1.j 0. +2.j 1. +3.j 2. +4.j 3. +5.j 4. +6.j 5. +7.j 6. +8.j 7. +9.j 8.+10.j] >>> print([0][1, 0]) [-0.9+1.1j 0.2+2.2j 1.3+3.3j 2.4+4.4j 3.5+5.5j 4.6+6.6j 5.7+7.7j 6.8+8.8j 7.9+9.9j] """
[docs] def run( self, dec_params: DecimationParameters, spec_data: SpectraData ) -> SpectraData: """ Interpolate spectra data to the evaluation frequencies This is a simple linear interpolation. Parameters ---------- dec_params : DecimationParameters The decimation parameters which have the evaluation frequencies for each decimation level spec_data : SpectraData The spectra data Returns ------- SpectraData The spectra data at the evaluation frequencies """ metadata_dict = spec_data.metadata.dict() data = {} spectra_levels_metadata = [] messages = [] for ilevel in range(spec_data.metadata.n_levels):"Reducing freqs to evaluation freqs for level {ilevel}") level_metadata = spec_data.metadata.levels_metadata[ilevel] freqs = np.array(level_metadata.freqs) eval_freqs = np.array(dec_params.get_eval_freqs(ilevel)) data[ilevel] = self._get_level_data( freqs, spec_data.get_level(ilevel), eval_freqs ) spectra_levels_metadata.append( self._get_level_metadata(level_metadata, eval_freqs) ) messages.append("Spectra reduced to evaluation frequencies") metadata = self._get_metadata(metadata_dict, spectra_levels_metadata) metadata.history.add_record(self._get_record(messages))"Fourier coefficients calculated at evaluation frequencies") return SpectraData(metadata, data)
def _get_level_data( self, freqs: np.ndarray, data: np.ndarray, eval_freqs: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """ Interpolate the spectra data to the evaluation frequencies The input data for a level has shape: n_wins x n_chans x n_freqs The new output data will have size: n_wins x n_chans x n_eval_freqs This process is doing a linear interpolation. As this is complex data and numpy does not have an interpolation along axis option, interpolation is done manually. First the evaluation frequencies are interpolated to their indices given the current frequencies and indices. Then these float indices are used to do the interpolation. Parameters ---------- freqs : np.ndarray The input data frequencies data : np.ndarray The input spectra data eval_freqs : List[float] The evaluation frequencies Returns ------- np.ndarray Output level data """ index = np.arange(len(freqs)) eval_indices = np.interp(eval_freqs, freqs, index) floors = np.floor(eval_indices).astype(int) ceils = np.ceil(eval_indices).astype(int) # cast portions to preserve original data type # otherwise, can expand complex64 to complex128 portions = (eval_indices - floors).astype(data.dtype) diffs = data[..., ceils] - data[..., floors] add = np.squeeze(diffs[..., np.newaxis, :] * portions, axis=-2) return data[..., floors] + add def _get_level_metadata( self, level_metadata: SpectraLevelMetadata, eval_freqs: np.ndarray ) -> SpectraLevelMetadata: """Get the metadata for the decimation level""" metadata_dict = level_metadata.dict() metadata_dict["n_freqs"] = len(eval_freqs) metadata_dict["freqs"] = eval_freqs.tolist() return SpectraLevelMetadata(**metadata_dict) def _get_metadata( self, metadata_dict: Dict[str, Any], levels_metadata: List[SpectraLevelMetadata] ) -> SpectraMetadata: """Get metadata for the dataset""" metadata_dict.pop("file_info") metadata_dict["levels_metadata"] = levels_metadata return SpectraMetadata(**metadata_dict)
[docs]class SpectraDataWriter(ResisticsWriter): """Writer of resistics spectra data"""
[docs] def run(self, dir_path: Path, spec_data: SpectraData) -> None: """ Write out SpectraData Parameters ---------- dir_path : Path The directory path to write to spec_data : SpectraData Spectra data to write out Raises ------ WriteError If unable to write to the directory """ from resistics.errors import WriteError if not self._check_dir(dir_path): raise WriteError(dir_path, "Unable to write to directory, check logs")"Writing spectra data to {dir_path}") metadata_path = dir_path / "metadata.json" data_path = dir_path / "data" np.savez_compressed(data_path, **{str(x): y for x, y in}) metadata = spec_data.metadata.copy() metadata.history.add_record(self._get_record(dir_path, type(spec_data))) metadata.write(metadata_path)
[docs]class SpectraDataReader(ResisticsProcess): """Reader of resistics spectra data"""
[docs] def run( self, dir_path: Path, metadata_only: bool = False ) -> Union[SpectraMetadata, SpectraData]: """ Read SpectraData Parameters ---------- dir_path : Path The directory path to read from metadata_only : bool, optional Flag for getting metadata only, by default False Returns ------- Union[SpectraMetadata, SpectraData] The SpectraData or SpectraMetadata if metadata_only is True Raises ------ ReadError If the directory does not exist """ from resistics.errors import ReadError if not dir_path.exists(): raise ReadError(dir_path, "Directory does not exist")"Reading spectra data from {dir_path}") metadata_path = dir_path / "metadata.json" metadata = SpectraMetadata.parse_file(metadata_path) if metadata_only: return metadata data_path = dir_path / "data.npz" npz_file = np.load(data_path) data = {int(level): npz_file[level] for level in npz_file.files} messages = [f"Spectra data read from {dir_path}"] metadata.history.add_record(self._get_record(messages)) return SpectraData(metadata, data)
[docs]class SpectraProcess(ResisticsProcess): """Parent class for spectra processes"""
[docs] def run(self, spec_data: SpectraData) -> SpectraData: """Run a spectra processor""" raise NotImplementedError("Run is not implemented in the parent SpectraProcess")
[docs]class SpectraSmootherUniform(SpectraProcess): """ Smooth a spectra with a uniform filter For more information, please refer to: Examples -------- Smooth a simple spectra data instance >>> from resistics.spectra import SpectraSmootherUniform >>> from resistics.testing import spectra_data_basic >>> spec_data = spectra_data_basic() >>> smooth_data = SpectraSmootherUniform(length_proportion=0.5).run(spec_data) Look at the results for the two windows >>>[0][0,0] array([0.+0.j, 1.+1.j, 2.+2.j, 3.+3.j, 4.+4.j, 5.+5.j, 6.+6.j, 7.+7.j, 8.+8.j, 9.+9.j]) >>>[0][0,0] array([0.8+0.8j, 1.2+1.2j, 2. +2.j , 3. +3.j , 4. +4.j , 5. +5.j , 6. +6.j , 7. +7.j , 7.8+7.8j, 8.2+8.2j]) """ length_proportion: float = 0.1
[docs] def run(self, spec_data: SpectraData) -> SpectraData: """ Smooth spectra data with a uniform smoother Parameters ---------- spec_data : SpectraData The input spectra data Returns ------- SpectraData The output spectra data """ import scipy.ndimage as ndimage data = {}"Smoothing frequencies with uniform filter") messages = ["Smoothing frequencies with uniform filter"] for ilevel in range(spec_data.metadata.n_levels): n_freqs = spec_data.metadata.levels_metadata[ilevel].n_freqs smooth_length = self._get_smooth_length(n_freqs) logger.debug(f"Smoothing level {ilevel} with num points {smooth_length}") data[ilevel] = ndimage.uniform_filter1d( spec_data.get_level(ilevel), smooth_length, axis=-1 ) messages.append(f"Smoothed level {ilevel} with num points {smooth_length}") metadata = SpectraMetadata(**spec_data.metadata.dict()) metadata.history.add_record(self._get_record(messages))"Fourier coefficients calculated at evaluation frequencies") return SpectraData(metadata, data)
def _get_smooth_length(self, data_size: int) -> int: """Get the smoothing length given the size of the data""" length = int(self.length_proportion * data_size) if length % 2 == 0: length += 1 if length < 1: return 1 return length
[docs]class SpectraSmootherGaussian(SpectraProcess): """ Smooth a spectra with a gaussian filter For more information, please refer to: Examples -------- Smooth a simple spectra data instance >>> from resistics.spectra import SpectraSmootherGaussian >>> from resistics.testing import spectra_data_basic >>> spec_data = spectra_data_basic() >>> smooth_data = SpectraSmootherGaussian().run(spec_data) Look at the results for the two windows >>>[0][0,0] array([0.+0.j, 1.+1.j, 2.+2.j, 3.+3.j, 4.+4.j, 5.+5.j, 6.+6.j, 7.+7.j, 8.+8.j, 9.+9.j]) >>>[0][0,0] array([0.42704095+0.42704095j, 1.06795587+1.06795587j, 2.00483335+2.00483335j, 3.00013383+3.00013383j, 4. +4.j , 5. +5.j , 5.99986617+5.99986617j, 6.99516665+6.99516665j, 7.93204413+7.93204413j, 8.57295905+8.57295905j]) """ sigma: float = 3
[docs] def run(self, spec_data: SpectraData) -> SpectraData: """ Run Gaussian filtering of spectra data Parameters ---------- spec_data : SpectraData Input spectra data Returns ------- SpectraData Output spectra data """ import scipy.ndimage as ndimage data = {}"Smoothing frequencies with gaussian filter, sigma {self.sigma}") messages = [f"Smoothing frequencies with gaussian filter, sigma {self.sigma}"] for ilevel in range(spec_data.metadata.n_levels): data[ilevel] = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d( spec_data.get_level(ilevel), 1, axis=-1 ) messages.append(f"Smoothed level {ilevel} with gaussian filter") metadata = SpectraMetadata(**spec_data.metadata.dict()) metadata.history.add_record(self._get_record(messages))"Fourier coefficients calculated at evaluation frequencies") return SpectraData(metadata, data)