Source code for resistics.regression

The regression module provides functions and classes for the following:

- Preparing gathered data for regression
- Performing the linear regression

Resistics has built in solvers that use scikit learn models, namely

- Ordinary least squares
- TheilSen

These will perform well in many scenarios. However, the functionality available
in resistics makes it possible to use custom solvers if required.
from loguru import logger
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union, Optional
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

from resistics.common import Metadata, WriteableMetadata, History
from resistics.common import ResisticsData, ResisticsProcess
from resistics.transfunc import Component, get_component_key
from resistics.transfunc import TransferFunction
from resistics.spectra import SpectraMetadata, SpectraData
from resistics.gather import SiteCombinedMetadata, GatheredData

[docs]class RegressionInputMetadata(Metadata): """Metadata for regression input data, mainly to track processing history""" contributors: Dict[str, Union[SiteCombinedMetadata, SpectraMetadata]] """Details about the data contributing to the regression input data""" history: History = History() """The processing history"""
[docs]class RegressionInputData(ResisticsData): """ Class to hold data that will be input into a solver The purpose of regression input data is to provision for many different solvers and user written solvers. The regression input data has the following key attributes: - freqs - obs - preds The freqs attribute is a 1-D array of evaluation frequencies. The obs attribute is a dictionary of dictionaries. The parent dictionary has a key of the evaluation frequency index. The secondary dictionary has key of output channel. The values in the secondary dictionary are the observations for that output channel and have 1-D size: (n_wins x n_cross_chans x 2). The factor of 2 is because the real and complex parts of each equation are separated into two equations to allow use of solvers that work exclusively on real data. The preds attribute is a single level dictionary with key of evaluation frequency index and value of the predictors for the evaluation frequency. The predictors have 2-D shape: (n_wins x n_cross_chans x 2) x (n_input_channels x 2). The number of windows is multiplied by 2 for the same reason as the observations. The doubling of the input channels is because one is the predictor for the real part of that transfer function component and one is the predictor for the complex part of the transfer function component. Considering the impedance tensor as an example with: - output channels Ex, Ey - input channels Hx, Hy - cross channels Hx, Hy The below shows the arrays for the 0 index evaluation frequency: Observations - Ex: [w1_crossHx_RE, w1_crossHx_IM, w1_crossHy_RE, w1_crossHy_IM] - Ey: [w1_crossHx_RE, w1_crossHx_IM, w1_crossHy_RE, w1_crossHy_IM] Predictors Ex - w1_crossHx_RE: Zxx_RE Zxx_IM Zxy_RE Zxy_IM - w1_crossHx_IM: Zxx_RE Zxx_IM Zxy_RE Zxy_IM - w1_crossHy_RE: Zxx_RE Zxx_IM Zxy_RE Zxy_IM - w1_crossHy_IM: Zxx_RE Zxx_IM Zxy_RE Zxy_IM Predictors Ey - w1_crossHx_RE: Zyx_RE Zyx_IM Zyy_RE Zyy_IM - w1_crossHx_IM: Zyx_RE Zyx_IM Zyy_RE Zyy_IM - w1_crossHy_RE: Zyx_RE Zyx_IM Zyy_RE Zyy_IM - w1_crossHy_IM: Zyx_RE Zyx_IM Zyy_RE Zyy_IM Note that the predictors are the same regardless of the output channel, only the observations change. """ def __init__( self, metadata: RegressionInputMetadata, tf: TransferFunction, freqs: List[float], obs: List[Dict[str, np.ndarray]], preds: List[np.ndarray], ): """ Initialisation of regression input data Parameters ---------- metadata : RegressionInputMetadata The metadata, mainly to hold the various processing histories that have been combined to produce the data tf : TransferFunction The transfer function that is to be solver freqs : List[float] The evaluation frequencies obs : List[Dict[str, np.ndarray]] The observations (output channels). This is a list of dictionaries. The entries into the list are on for each evaluation evaluation frequency. They keys of the dictionary are the output channels. preds : List[np.ndarray] The predictions, an entry for each evaluation frequenvy """ self.metadata = metadata = tf self.freqs = freqs self.obs = obs self.preds = preds @property def n_freqs(self) -> int: """Get the number of frequencies""" return len(self.freqs)
[docs] def get_inputs(self, freq_idx: int, out_chan: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Get observations and predictions Parameters ---------- freq_idx : int The evaluation frequency index out_chan : str The output channel Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] Observations and predictons """ return self.obs[freq_idx][out_chan], self.preds[freq_idx]
[docs]class RegressionPreparerSpectra(ResisticsProcess): """ Prepare regression data directly from spectra data This can be useful for running a single measurement """
[docs] def run(self, tf: TransferFunction, spec_data: SpectraData) -> RegressionInputData: """Construct the linear equation for solving""" freqs = [] obs = [] preds = [] for ilevel in range(spec_data.metadata.n_levels): level_metadata = spec_data.metadata.levels_metadata[ilevel] out_powers, in_powers = self._get_cross_powers(tf, spec_data, ilevel) for idx, freq in enumerate(level_metadata.freqs): f"Preparing regression data: level {ilevel}, freq. {idx} = {freq}" ) freqs.append(freq) obs.append(self._get_obs(tf, out_powers[..., idx])) preds.append(self._get_preds(tf, in_powers[..., idx])) record = self._get_record("Produced regression input data for spectra data") metadata = RegressionInputMetadata(contributors={"data": spec_data.metadata}) metadata.history.add_record(record) return RegressionInputData(metadata, tf, freqs, obs, preds)
def _get_cross_powers( self, tf: TransferFunction, spec_data: SpectraData, level: int ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Get cross powers Spectra data is: [n_wins, n_chans, n_freqs] To multiply each in/out channel with the cross channels, broadcasting is used. Using output channels as an example, this is what we have: out_data = [n_wins, n_out_chans, n_freqs] cross_data = [n_wins, n_cross_chans, n_freqs] The aim is to achieve an array that looks like this: cross_powers = [n_wins, n_out_chans, n_cross_chans, n_freqs] This can be achieved by numpy broadcasting the two arrays as follows out_data = [n_wins, n_out_chans, new_axis, n_freqs] cross_data = [n_wins, new_axis, n_cross_chans, n_freqs] Parameters ---------- tf : TransferFunction Definition of transfer function spec_data : SpectraTimeData Spectra data for a decimation level level : int The decimation level Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] Cross powers with output channels and cross powers with input channels """ # prepare to calculate the crosspowers out_data = spec_data.get_chans(level, tf.out_chans) in_data = spec_data.get_chans(level, tf.in_chans) cross_data = spec_data.get_chans(level, tf.cross_chans) cross_data = np.conj(cross_data[:, np.newaxis, ...]) # multiply using broadcasting out_powers = out_data[..., np.newaxis, :] * cross_data in_powers = in_data[..., np.newaxis, :] * cross_data return out_powers, in_powers def _get_obs( self, tf: TransferFunction, out_powers: np.ndarray ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """ Get observations for an output channel Parameters ---------- tf : TransferFunction Definition of transfer function out_powers : np.ndarray The cross powers for the output channels Returns ------- Dict[str, np.ndarray] Dictionary with output channel as key and observations as value """ obs = {} for idx, out_chan in enumerate(tf.out_chans): flattened = out_powers[:, idx, ...].flatten() obs_chan = np.empty((flattened.size * 2), dtype=float) obs_chan[0::2] = flattened.real obs_chan[1::2] = flattened.imag obs[out_chan] = obs_chan return obs def _get_obs_chan(self, tf: TransferFunction, out_powers: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Get observations for a single output channel The data comes in as: [n_wins, n_cross_chans] The aim is to turn this into an array of obserations for this output channel. The shape should be: [n_wins * n_cross_chans] Next, make everything floats to allow use of a wider range of open source solvers. This means interleaving the real and imaginary components into a longer single array, giving a final shape of: [n_wins * n_cross_chans * 2 ] Considering a concrete example for two windows: [[<Ex1, Hx1>, <Ex1,Hy1>], [[<Ex2, Hx2>, <Ex2,Hy2>]] Should become: [<Ex1, Hx1>.Real, <Ex1, Hx1>.Imag, <Ex1,Hy1>.Real, <Ex1,Hy1>.Imag, <Ex2, Hx2>.Real, <Ex2, Hx2>.Imag, <Ex2,Hy2>.Real, <Ex2,Hy2>.Imag] Parameters ---------- tf : TransferFunction The transfer function definition out_powers : np.ndarray The cross powers for the a single output channel Returns ------- np.ndarray The observations as a float """ flattened = out_powers.flatten() obs = np.empty((flattened.size * 2), dtype=float) obs[0::2] = flattened.real obs[1::2] = flattened.imag return obs def _get_preds(self, tf: TransferFunction, in_powers: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Construct the predictors The in_powers is received with shape [n_wins, n_in_chans, n_cross_chans] The aim is to make this into [n_wins * n_cross_chans * 2, n_in_chans * 2] Parameters ---------- tf : TransferFunction Transfer function definition in_powers : np.ndarray The cross powers for the input channels Returns ------- np.ndarray The predictors """ np.swapaxes(in_powers, 1, 2) n_wins = in_powers.shape[0] entries_per_win = tf.n_cross * 2 preds = np.empty((n_wins * entries_per_win, tf.n_in * 2), dtype=float) for iwin in range(0, n_wins): idx_from = iwin * entries_per_win idx_to = idx_from + entries_per_win preds[idx_from:idx_to, :] = self._get_preds_win(tf, in_powers[iwin]) return preds def _get_preds_win(self, tf: TransferFunction, in_powers: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Get predictors for a window""" preds_win = np.empty((tf.n_cross * 2, tf.n_in * 2), dtype=float) in_powers = np.swapaxes(in_powers, 0, 1) in_real = np.real(in_powers) in_imag = np.imag(in_powers) preds_win[0::2, 0::2] = in_real preds_win[0::2, 1::2] = -in_imag preds_win[1::2, 0::2] = in_imag preds_win[1::2, 1::2] = in_real return preds_win
[docs]class RegressionPreparerGathered(ResisticsProcess): """ Regression preparer for gathered data In nearly all cases, this is the regresson preparer to use. As input, it requires GatheredData. """
[docs] def run( self, tf: TransferFunction, gathered_data: GatheredData ) -> RegressionInputData: """ Create the RegressionInputData Parameters ---------- tf : TransferFunction The transfer function gathered_data : GatheredData The gathered data Returns ------- RegressionInputData Data that can be used as input into a solver """"Preparing regression data")"Out chans site: {gathered_data.out_data.metadata.site_name}")"Out chans: {gathered_data.out_data.metadata.chans}")"In chans site: {gathered_data.in_data.metadata.site_name}")"In chans: {gathered_data.in_data.metadata.chans}")"Cross chans site: {gathered_data.cross_data.metadata.site_name}")"Cross chans: {gathered_data.cross_data.metadata.chans}") return self._get_regression_data(tf, gathered_data)
def _get_regression_data( self, tf: TransferFunction, gathered_data: GatheredData ) -> RegressionInputData: """ Get the regression input data Parameters ---------- tf : TransferFunction The transfer function gathered_data : GatheredData The gathered data Returns ------- RegressionInputData Data to be used as input to a solver """ freqs = [] obs = [] preds = [] metadata = gathered_data.out_data.metadata"Preparing regression data for {metadata.n_evals} frequencies") for idx, freq in enumerate(tqdm(metadata.eval_freqs)): out_powers, in_powers = self._get_cross_powers(tf, gathered_data, idx) freqs.append(freq) obs_freq = self._get_obs(tf, out_powers) preds_freq = self._get_preds(tf, in_powers) obs.append(obs_freq) preds.append(preds_freq) record = self._get_record( f"Produced regression input data for {metadata.n_evals} frequencies" ) metadata = RegressionInputMetadata( contributors={ "out_data": gathered_data.out_data.metadata, "in_data": gathered_data.in_data.metadata, "cross_data": gathered_data.cross_data.metadata, } ) metadata.history.add_record(record) return RegressionInputData(metadata, tf, freqs, obs, preds) def _get_cross_powers( self, tf: TransferFunction, gathered_data: GatheredData, eval_idx: int ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Get cross powers Gathered data for an evaluation frequency is: [n_wins, n_chans] To multiply each in/out channel with the cross channels, broadcasting is used. Using output channels as an example, this is what we have: out_data = [n_wins, n_out_chans] cross_data = [n_wins, n_cross_chans] The aim is to achieve an array that looks like this: cross_powers = [n_wins, n_out_chans, n_cross_chans] This can be achieved by numpy broadcasting the two arrays as follows out_data = [n_wins, n_out_chans, new_axis] cross_data = [n_wins, new_axis, n_cross_chans] Parameters ---------- tf : TransferFunction Definition of transfer function gathered_data : GatheredData All the gathered data eval_idx : int The evaluation frequency index Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] Cross powers with output channels and cross powers with input channels """ # calculate the cross powers out_data =[eval_idx] in_data =[eval_idx] cross_data =[eval_idx] cross_data = np.conjugate(cross_data[:, np.newaxis, :]) # multiply using broadcasting out_powers = out_data[..., np.newaxis] * cross_data in_powers = in_data[..., np.newaxis] * cross_data return out_powers, in_powers def _get_obs( self, tf: TransferFunction, out_powers: np.ndarray ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """ Get observations for an output channel Parameters ---------- tf : TransferFunction Definition of transfer function out_powers : np.ndarray The cross powers for the output channels Returns ------- Dict[str, np.ndarray] Dictionary with output channel as key and observations as value """ obs = {} for idx, out_chan in enumerate(tf.out_chans): flattened = out_powers[:, idx, ...].flatten() obs_chan = np.empty((flattened.size * 2), dtype=float) obs_chan[0::2] = flattened.real obs_chan[1::2] = flattened.imag obs[out_chan] = obs_chan return obs def _get_obs_chan(self, tf: TransferFunction, out_powers: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Get observations for a single output channel The data comes in as: [n_wins, n_cross_chans] The aim is to turn this into an array of obserations for this output channel. The shape should be: [n_wins * n_cross_chans] Next, make everything floats to allow use of a wider range of open source solvers. This means interleaving the real and imaginary components into a longer single array, giving a final shape of: [n_wins * n_cross_chans * 2 ] Considering a concrete example for two windows: [[<Ex1, Hx1>, <Ex1,Hy1>], [[<Ex2, Hx2>, <Ex2,Hy2>]] Should become: [<Ex1, Hx1>.Real, <Ex1, Hx1>.Imag, <Ex1,Hy1>.Real, <Ex1,Hy1>.Imag, <Ex2, Hx2>.Real, <Ex2, Hx2>.Imag, <Ex2,Hy2>.Real, <Ex2,Hy2>.Imag] Parameters ---------- tf : TransferFunction The transfer function definition out_powers : np.ndarray The cross powers for the a single output channel Returns ------- np.ndarray The observations as a float """ flattened = out_powers.flatten() obs = np.empty((flattened.size * 2), dtype=float) obs[0::2] = flattened.real obs[1::2] = flattened.imag return obs def _get_preds(self, tf: TransferFunction, in_powers: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Construct the predictors The in_powers is received with shape [n_wins, n_in_chans, n_cross_chans] The aim is to make this into [n_wins * n_cross_chans * 2, n_in_chans * 2] Parameters ---------- tf : TransferFunction Transfer function definition in_powers : np.ndarray The cross powers for the input channels Returns ------- np.ndarray The predictors """ np.swapaxes(in_powers, 1, 2) n_wins = in_powers.shape[0] entries_per_win = tf.n_cross * 2 preds = np.empty((n_wins * entries_per_win, tf.n_in * 2), dtype=float) for iwin in range(0, n_wins): idx_from = iwin * entries_per_win idx_to = idx_from + entries_per_win preds[idx_from:idx_to, :] = self._get_preds_win(tf, in_powers[iwin]) return preds def _get_preds_win(self, tf: TransferFunction, in_powers: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Get predictors for a window""" preds_win = np.empty((tf.n_cross * 2, tf.n_in * 2), dtype=float) in_powers = np.swapaxes(in_powers, 0, 1) in_real = np.real(in_powers) in_imag = np.imag(in_powers) preds_win[0::2, 0::2] = in_real preds_win[0::2, 1::2] = -in_imag preds_win[1::2, 0::2] = in_imag preds_win[1::2, 1::2] = in_real return preds_win
[docs]class Solution(WriteableMetadata): """ Class to hold a transfer function solution Examples -------- >>> from resistics.testing import solution_mt >>> solution = solution_mt() >>> print( | Ex | = | Ex_Hx Ex_Hy | | Hx | | Ey | | Ey_Hx Ey_Hy | | Hy | >>> solution.n_freqs 5 >>> solution.freqs [10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0] >>> solution.periods.tolist() [0.1, 0.05, 0.03333333333333333, 0.025, 0.02] >>> solution.components["ExHx"] Component(real=[1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0], imag=[5.0, 5.0, 4.0, 4.0, 3.0]) >>> solution.components["ExHy"] Component(real=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], imag=[-5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0]) To get the components as an array, either get_component or subscripting be used >>> solution["ExHy"] array([1.-5.j, 2.-4.j, 3.-3.j, 4.-2.j, 5.-1.j]) >>> solution["ab"] Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Component ab not found in ['ExHx', 'ExHy', 'EyHx', 'EyHy'] It is also possible to get the tensor values at a particular evaluation frequency >>> solution.get_tensor(2) array([[ 2.+4.j, 3.-3.j], [-3.+3.j, -2.-4.j]]) """ tf: TransferFunction """The transfer function that was solved""" freqs: List[float] """The evaluation frequencies""" components: Dict[str, Component] """The solution""" history: History """The processing history""" contributors: Dict[str, Union[SiteCombinedMetadata, SpectraMetadata]] """The contributors to the solution with their respective details""" def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Solution for a single component for all evaluation frequencies The arguments should be output channel followed by input channel Parameters ---------- key : str The component key Returns ------- np.ndarray The component values as an array Raises ------ ValueError If incorrect number of arguments """ if not isinstance(key, str): raise ValueError("Subscripting takes only 1 argument != {len(arg)}") return self.get_component(key) @property def n_freqs(self): """Get the number of evaluation frequencies""" return len(self.freqs) @property def periods(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the periods""" return np.reciprocal(self.freqs)
[docs] def get_component(self, key: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the solution for a single component for all the evaluation frequencies Parameters ---------- key : str The component key Returns ------- np.ndarray The component data in an array Raises ------ ValueError If the component does not exist in the solution """ if key not in self.components: raise ValueError( f"Component {key} not found in {list(self.components.keys())}" ) return self.components[key].to_numpy()
[docs] def get_tensor(self, eval_idx: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the tensor at a single evaluation frequency Parameters ---------- eval_idx : int The index of the evaluation frequency Returns ------- np.ndarray The tensor as a numpy array """ tensor = np.zeros(shape=(,, dtype=np.complex128) for out_idx, out_chan in enumerate( for in_idx, in_chan in enumerate( key = get_component_key(out_chan, in_chan) tensor[out_idx, in_idx] = self.components[key].get_value(eval_idx) return tensor
[docs]class Solver(ResisticsProcess): """General resistics solver"""
[docs] def run(self, regression_input: RegressionInputData) -> Solution: """Every solver should have a run method""" raise NotImplementedError("Run not implemented in parent Solver class")
[docs]class SolverScikit(Solver): """Base class for Scikit learn solvers""" fit_intercept: bool = False """Flag for adding an intercept term""" normalize: bool = False """Flag for normalizing, only used if fit_intercept is True""" def _solve( self, regression_input: RegressionInputData, model: BaseEstimator ) -> Solution: """ Get the regression solution for all evaluation frequencies Parameters ---------- regression_input : RegressionInputData The regression input data model : BaseEstimator The model to use to solve the linear regressions Returns ------- Solution The solution for the transfer function """ n_freqs = regression_input.n_freqs tf = tensors = np.ndarray((n_freqs, tf.n_out, tf.n_in), dtype=np.complex128)"Solving for {n_freqs} evaluation frequencies") for eval_idx in tqdm(range(n_freqs)): for iout, out_chan in enumerate(tf.out_chans): obs, preds = regression_input.get_inputs(eval_idx, out_chan) coef = self._get_coef(model, obs, preds) tensors[eval_idx, iout] = self._get_tensor(tf, coef) return self._get_solution(tf, regression_input, tensors) def _get_coef( self, model: BaseEstimator, obs: np.ndarray, preds: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """ Get coefficients for a single evaluation frequency and output channel Parameters ---------- model : BaseEstimator sklearn base estimator obs : np.ndarray The observations preds : np.ndarray The predictors Returns ------- np.ndarray The coefficients """, obs) return model.coef_ def _get_tensor(self, tf: TransferFunction, coef: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Rearrange the coefficients into a tensor Recall that the real and complex parts of the problem are separated out to allow use of a greater selection of solvers. Therefore, part of the job of this function is to reform the complex numbers. Parameters ---------- tf : TransferFunction The transfer fuction coef : np.ndarray The coefficients Returns ------- np.ndarray The coefficients in a tensor """ values = np.empty((tf.n_in), dtype=np.complex128) for in_idx in range(tf.n_in): idx_coef = in_idx * 2 values[in_idx] = coef[idx_coef] + 1j * coef[idx_coef + 1] return values def _get_solution( self, tf: TransferFunction, regression_input: RegressionInputData, tensors: np.ndarray, ) -> Solution: """ Get the solution Parameters ---------- tf : TransferFunction The transfer function regression_input : RegressionInputData The regression input data tensors : np.ndarray The coefficients Returns ------- Solution The transfer function solution """ components = {} for out_idx, out_chan in enumerate(tf.out_chans): for in_idx, in_chan in enumerate(tf.in_chans): key = get_component_key(out_chan, in_chan) values = tensors[:, out_idx, in_idx] components[key] = Component( real=values.real.tolist(), imag=values.imag.tolist() ) history = History(**regression_input.metadata.history.dict()) message = f"Solved {len(regression_input.freqs)} evaluation frequencies" history.add_record(self._get_record(message)) return Solution( tf=tf, freqs=regression_input.freqs, components=components, history=history, contributors=regression_input.metadata.contributors, )
[docs]class SolverScikitOLS(SolverScikit): """ Ordinary least squares solver This is simply a wrapper around the scikit learn least squares regression """ n_jobs: int = -2 """Number of jobs to run"""
[docs] def run(self, regression_input: RegressionInputData) -> Solution: """Run ordinary least squares regression on the RegressionInputData""" from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression model = LinearRegression( fit_intercept=self.fit_intercept, normalize=self.normalize, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, ) return self._solve(regression_input, model)
[docs]class SolverScikitHuber(SolverScikit): """ Scikit Huber solver This is simply a wrapper around the scikit learn Huber Regressor. For more information, please see """ epsilon: float = 1 """The smaller the epsilon, the more robust it is to outliers."""
[docs] def run(self, regression_input: RegressionInputData) -> Solution: """Run Huber Regressor regression on the RegressionInputData""" from sklearn.linear_model import HuberRegressor model = HuberRegressor(epsilon=self.epsilon) return self._solve(regression_input, model)
[docs]class SolverScikitTheilSen(SolverScikit): """ Scikit Theil Sen solver This is simply a wrapper around the scikit learn Theil Sen Regressor. For more information, please see """ n_jobs: int = -2 """Number of jobs to run""" max_subpopulation: int = 2_000 """Maximum population. Reduce this if the process is taking a long time""" n_subsamples: Optional[float] = None """Number of rows to use for each solution"""
[docs] def run(self, regression_input: RegressionInputData) -> Solution: """Run TheilSen regression on the RegressionInputData""" from sklearn.linear_model import TheilSenRegressor model = TheilSenRegressor( # fit_intercept=self.fit_intercept, # max_subpopulation=self.max_subpopulation, # n_subsamples=self.n_subsamples, # n_jobs=self.n_jobs, ) return self._solve(regression_input, model)
def _get_coef( self, model: BaseEstimator, obs: np.ndarray, preds: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """ Get coefficients for a single evaluation frequency and output channel Parameters ---------- model : BaseEstimator sklearn base estimator obs : np.ndarray The observations preds : np.ndarray The predictors Returns ------- np.ndarray The coefficients """ from sklearn.linear_model import TheilSenRegressor n_subsamples = None if self.n_subsamples is not None: n_subsamples = int(self.n_subsamples * obs.shape[0]) model = TheilSenRegressor( fit_intercept=self.fit_intercept, max_subpopulation=self.max_subpopulation, n_subsamples=n_subsamples, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, ), obs) return model.coef_
[docs]class SolverScikitRANSAC(SolverScikit): """ Run a RANSAC solver with LinearRegression as Base Estimator This is a wrapper around the scikit learn RANSAC regressor. More information can be found here """ min_samples: float = 0.8 """Minimum number of samples in each solution as a proportion of total""" max_trials: int = 20 """The maximum number of trials to run"""
[docs] def run(self, regression_input: RegressionInputData) -> Solution: """Run RANSAC regression on the RegressionInputData""" from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, RANSACRegressor model = RANSACRegressor( LinearRegression( fit_intercept=self.fit_intercept, normalize=self.normalize ), min_samples=self.min_samples, max_trials=self.max_trials, ) return self._solve(regression_input, model)
def _get_coef( self, model: BaseEstimator, obs: np.ndarray, preds: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """Get coefficients for single evaluation frequeny and output channel""", obs) return model.estimator_.coef_
[docs]class SolverScikitWLS(SolverScikitOLS): """ Weighted least squares solver .. warning:: This is homespun and is currently only experimental This is simply a wrapper around the scikit learn least squares regression using the sample_weight option """ n_jobs: int = -2 """Number of jobs to run""" n_iter: int = 50 """Number of iterations before quitting if residual is not low enough""" def _get_coef( self, model: BaseEstimator, obs: np.ndarray, preds: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """ Get coefficients for a single evaluation frequency and output channel Parameters ---------- model : BaseEstimator sklearn base estimator obs : np.ndarray The observations preds : np.ndarray The predictors Returns ------- np.ndarray The coefficients """ from sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScaler weights = np.ones(shape=(obs.size)) scalar = RobustScaler() iteration = 0 while iteration < self.n_iter:, obs, sample_weight=weights) obs_pred = model.predict(preds) resids = np.absolute(obs - obs_pred) resids_scaled = scalar.fit_transform(resids.reshape(-1, 1)) weights = self.trimmed_mean(resids_scaled) iteration += 1 return model.coef_
[docs] def bisquare(self, r: np.ndarray, k: float = 4.685) -> np.ndarray: """ Bisquare location weights Parameters ---------- r : np.ndarray Residuals k : float, None Tuning parameter. If None, a standard value will be used. Returns ------- weights : np.ndarray The robust weights """ r = r.reshape((r.shape[0])) ones = np.ones(shape=r.shape) thresh = np.minimum(ones, r / k) return np.power((1 - np.power(thresh, 2)), 2)
[docs] def huber(self, r: np.ndarray, k: float = 1.345) -> np.ndarray: """Huber location weights Parameters ---------- r : np.ndarray Residuals k : float Tuning parameter. If None, a standard value will be used. Returns ------- weights : np.ndarray The robust weights """ r = r.reshape((r.shape[0])) indices = np.where(r > k) weights = np.ones(shape=r.shape) weights[indices] = k / r[indices] return weights
[docs] def trimmed_mean(self, r: np.ndarray, k: float = 2) -> np.ndarray: """ Trimmed mean location weights Parameters ---------- r : np.ndarray Residuals k : float Tuning parameter. If None, a standard value will be used. Returns ------- weights : np.ndarray The robust weights """ r = r.reshape((r.shape[0])) indices = np.where(r <= k) weights = np.zeros(shape=r.shape) weights[indices] = 1 return weights.real