Source code for resistics.calibrate

Functions and classes for instrument and sensor calibration of data

Calibration data should be given in the frequency domain and has a magnitude
and phase component (in radians). Calibration data is the impulse response for
an instrument or sensor and is usually deconvolved (division in frequency
domain) from the time data.

Calibration data for induction coils is given in mV/nT. Because this is
deconvolved from magnetic time data, which is in mV, the resultant magnetic
time data is in nT.
from loguru import logger
from typing import Optional, Any, List, Tuple, Union, Dict
from pathlib import Path
from pydantic import validator
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go

from resistics.errors import CalibrationFileNotFound
from resistics.common import ResisticsProcess, WriteableMetadata
from resistics.time import ChanMetadata
from resistics.spectra import SpectraMetadata, SpectraData

[docs]class CalibrationData(WriteableMetadata): """ Class for holding calibration data Calibration is usually the transfer function of the instrument or sensor to be removed from the data. It is expected to be in the frequency domain. Regarding units: - Magnitude units are dependent on use case - Phase is in radians """ file_path: Optional[Path] """Path to the calibration file""" sensor: str = "" """Sensor type""" serial: Union[int, str] """Serial number of the sensor""" static_gain: float = 1 """Static gain to apply""" magnitude_unit: str = "mV/nT" """Units of the magnitude""" frequency: List[float] """Frequencies in Hz""" magnitude: List[float] """Magnitude""" phase: List[float] """Phase""" n_samples: Optional[int] = None """Number of data samples""" @validator("n_samples", always=True) def validate_n_samples(cls, value: Union[int, None], values: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: """Validate number of samples""" if value is None: return len(values["frequency"]) return value def __getitem__(self, arg: str) -> np.ndarray: """Get data mainly for the purposes of plotting""" if arg == "frequency": return np.array(self.frequency) if arg == "magnitude": return np.array(self.magnitude) if arg == "phase": return np.array(self.phase) raise ValueError( f"Unknown arg {arg}, must be: 'frequency', 'magnitude' or 'phase'" )
[docs] def plot( self, fig: Optional[go.Figure] = None, color: str = "blue", legend: str = "CalibrationData", ) -> go.Figure: """ Plot calibration data Parameters ---------- fig : Optional[go.Figure], optional A figure if adding the calibration data to an existing plot, by default None color : str, optional The color for the plot, by default "blue" legend : str, optional The legend name, by default "CalibrationData" Returns ------- go.Figure Plotly figure with the calibration data added """ from resistics.plot import get_calibration_fig if fig is None: fig = get_calibration_fig() scatter = go.Scatter( x=self.frequency, y=self.magnitude, mode="lines+markers", line=dict(color=color), name=legend, legendgroup=legend, ) fig.add_trace(scatter, row=1, col=1) scatter = go.Scatter( x=self.frequency, y=self.phase, mode="lines+markers", line=dict(color=color), name=legend, legendgroup=legend, showlegend=False, ) fig.add_trace(scatter, row=2, col=1) return fig
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): """Convert to pandas DataFrame""" data = { "frequency": self.frequency, "magnitude": self.magnitude, "phase": self.phase, } df = pd.DataFrame(data=data) return df.set_index("frequency")
[docs]class CalibrationReader(ResisticsProcess): """Parent class for reading calibration data""" extension: Optional[str] = None
[docs]class InstrumentCalibrationReader(CalibrationReader): """Parent class for reading instrument calibration files"""
[docs] def run(self, metadata: SpectraMetadata) -> CalibrationData: raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in child classes")
[docs]class SensorCalibrationReader(CalibrationReader): """ Parent class for reading sensor calibration files Use this reader for induction coil calibration file readers Examples -------- A short example to show how naming substitution works >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from resistics.testing import time_metadata_1chan >>> from resistics.calibrate import SensorCalibrationReader >>> calibration_path = Path("test") >>> metadata = time_metadata_1chan() >>> metadata.chans_metadata["chan1"].sensor = "example" >>> metadata.chans_metadata["chan1"].serial = "254" >>> calibrator = SensorCalibrationReader(extension=".json") >>> calibrator.file_str 'IC_$sensor$extension' >>> file_path = calibrator._get_path(calibration_path, metadata, "chan1") >>> 'IC_example.json' If the file name has a different pattern, the file_str can be changed as required. >>> calibrator = SensorCalibrationReader(file_str="$sensor_$serial$extension", extension=".json") >>> file_path = calibrator._get_path(calibration_path, metadata, "chan1") >>> 'example_254.json' """ file_str: str = "IC_$sensor$extension"
[docs] def run( self, dir_path: Path, metadata: SpectraMetadata, chan: str ) -> CalibrationData: """ Run the calibration file reader Parameters ---------- dir_path : Path The directory with calibration files metadata : SpectraMetadata TimeData metadata chan : str The channel for which to search for a calibration file Returns ------- CalibrationData The calibration data Raises ------ CalibrationFileNotFound If the calibration file does not exist """ file_path = self._get_path(dir_path, metadata, chan)"Searching file {} in {dir_path}") if not file_path.exists(): raise CalibrationFileNotFound(dir_path, file_path)"Reading calibration data from file {}") return self.read_calibration_data(file_path, metadata.chans_metadata[chan])
[docs] def read_calibration_data( self, file_path: Path, chan_metadata: ChanMetadata ) -> CalibrationData: """ Read calibration data from a file The is implemented as a separate function for anyone interested in reading a calibration file separately from the run function. Parameters ---------- file_path : Path The file path of the calibration file chan_metadata : ChanMetadata The channel metadata Raises ------ NotImplementedError To be implemented in child classes """ raise NotImplementedError("Read data to be implemented in child classes")
def _get_path(self, dir_path: Path, metadata: SpectraMetadata, chan: str) -> Path: """Get the expected Path to the calibration file""" chan_metadata = metadata.chans_metadata[chan] name = self.file_str.replace("$sensor", chan_metadata.sensor) name = name.replace("$serial", chan_metadata.serial) if self.extension is not None: name = name.replace("$extension", self.extension) return dir_path / name
[docs]class SensorCalibrationJSON(SensorCalibrationReader): """Read in JSON formatted calibration data""" extension: str = ".json"
[docs] def read_calibration_data( self, file_path: Path, chan_metadata: ChanMetadata ) -> CalibrationData: """ Read the JSON calibration data Parameters ---------- file_path : Path The file path of the JSON calibration file chan_metadata : ChanMetadata The channel metadata. Note that this is not used but is kept here to ensure signature match to the parent class Returns ------- CalibrationData The calibration data """ cal_data = CalibrationData.parse_file(file_path) cal_data.file_path = file_path return cal_data
[docs]class SensorCalibrationTXT(SensorCalibrationReader): """ Read in calibration data from a TXT file In general, JSON calibration files are recommended as they are more reliable to read in. However, there are cases where it is easier to write out a text based calibration file. The format of the calibration file should be as follows: .. code-block:: text Serial = 710 Sensor = LEMI120 Static gain = 1 Magnitude unit = mV/nT Phase unit = degrees Chopper = False CALIBRATION DATA 1.1000E-4 1.000E-2 9.0000E1 1.1000E-3 1.000E-1 9.0000E1 1.1000E-2 1.000E0 8.9000E1 2.1000E-2 1.903E0 8.8583E1 See Also -------- SensorCalibrationJSON : Reader for JSON calibration files """ extension = ".TXT"
[docs] def read_calibration_data( self, file_path: Path, chan_metadata: ChanMetadata ) -> CalibrationData: """ Read the TXT calibration data Parameters ---------- file_path : Path The file path of the JSON calibration file chan_metadata : ChanMetadata The channel metadata. Note that this is not used but is kept here to ensure signature match to the parent class Returns ------- CalibrationData The calibration data """ with"r") as f: lines = f.readlines() lines = [x.strip() for x in lines] data_dict = self._read_metadata(lines) df = self._read_data(lines, data_dict) data_dict["frequency"] = df.index.values.tolist() data_dict["magnitude"] = df["magnitude"].values.tolist() data_dict["phase"] = df["phase"].values.tolist() data_dict["file_path"] = file_path return CalibrationData(**data_dict)
def _read_metadata(self, lines: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Read data from the calibration file""" serial, sensor = self._get_sensor_details(lines) static_gain = self._get_static_gain(lines) chopper = self._get_chopper(lines) magnitude_unit, phase_unit = self._get_units(lines) return { "serial": serial, "sensor": sensor, "static_gain": static_gain, "chopper": chopper, "magnitude_unit": magnitude_unit, "phase_unit": phase_unit, } def _get_sensor_details(self, lines: List[str]) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get sensor details""" serial: str = "1" sensor: str = "" for line in lines: line = line.lower() if "serial" in line: serial = line.split("=")[1].strip() if "sensor" in line: sensor = line.split("=")[1].strip() return serial, sensor def _get_static_gain(self, lines: List[str]) -> float: """Get static gain""" static_gain = 1.0 for line in lines: if "static gain" in line.lower(): static_gain = float(line.split("=")[1].strip()) return static_gain return static_gain def _get_chopper(self, lines: List[str]) -> bool: """Get chopper""" for line in lines: if "chopper" in line.lower(): chopper_str = line.split("=")[1].strip() return chopper_str == "True" return False def _get_units(self, lines: List[str]) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get units for the magnitude and phase""" magnitude_unit: str = "mV/nT" phase_unit: str = "radians" for line in lines: if "magnitude unit" in line.lower(): magnitude_unit = line.split("=")[1].strip() if "phase unit" in line.lower(): phase_unit = line.split("=")[1].strip() return magnitude_unit, phase_unit def _read_data(self, lines: List[str], data_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read the calibration data lines""" read_from = self._get_read_from(lines) data_lines = self._get_data_lines(lines, read_from) # convert lines to data frame data = np.array([x.split() for x in data_lines], dtype=float) df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=["frequency", "magnitude", "phase"]) # unit manipulation - change phase to radians if data_dict["phase_unit"] == "degrees": df["phase"] = df["phase"] * (np.pi / 180) df = df.set_index("frequency").sort_index() return df def _get_read_from(self, lines: List[str]) -> int: """Get the line number to read from""" for idx, line in enumerate(lines): if "CALIBRATION DATA" in line: return idx + 1 raise ValueError("Unable to determine location of data in file") def _get_data_lines(self, lines: List[str], idx: int) -> List[str]: """Get the data lines out of the file""" data_lines: List[str] = [] while idx < len(lines) and lines[idx] != "": data_lines.append(lines[idx]) idx += 1 return data_lines
[docs]class Calibrator(ResisticsProcess): """Parent class for a calibrator""" chans: Optional[List[str]] = None """List of channels to calibrate"""
[docs] def run(self, dir_path: Path, spec_data: SpectraData) -> SpectraData: """Run the instrument calibration""" raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented")
def _get_chans(self, chans: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Get the channels to calibrate""" if self.chans is None: return chans return [x for x in self.chans if x in chans] def _calibrate( self, freqs: List[float], chan_data: np.ndarray, cal_data: CalibrationData ) -> np.ndarray: """ Calibrate a channel This is essentially a deconvolution, which means a division in frequency domain. Parameters ---------- freqs : List[float] List of frequencies to interpolate calibration data to chan_data : np.ndarray Channel data cal_data : CalibrationData CalibrationData instance with calibration information Returns ------- np.ndarray Calibrated data """ transfunc = self._interpolate(np.array(freqs), cal_data) chan_data = chan_data[:, np.newaxis, :] / transfunc[np.newaxis, :] return np.squeeze(chan_data) def _interpolate( self, freqs: np.ndarray, cal_data: CalibrationData ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Interpolate the calibration data to the same frequencies as the time data Static gain is assumed to already be applied in the magnitude and is not applied separately. Parameters ---------- freqs : np.ndarray The frequencies in the time data cal_data : CalibrationData The calibration data Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The data interpolated to the frequencies and with an additional column, complex, which is the complex values for the magnitude and phase combinations. """ mag = np.interp(freqs, cal_data.frequency, cal_data.magnitude) phs = np.interp(freqs, cal_data.frequency, cal_data.phase) return mag * np.exp(1j * phs)
[docs]class InstrumentCalibrator(Calibrator): readers: List[InstrumentCalibrationReader] """List of readers for reading in instrument calibration files"""
[docs]class SensorCalibrator(Calibrator): readers: List[SensorCalibrationReader] """List of readers for reading in sensor calibration files"""
[docs] def run(self, dir_path: Path, spec_data: SpectraData) -> SpectraData: """Calibrate Spectra data""" chans = self._get_chans(spec_data.metadata.chans)"Calibrating channels {chans}") messages = [f"Calibrating channels {chans}"] data = {x: np.array(y) for x, y in} for chan in chans:"Looking for sensor calibration data for channel {chan}") cal_data = self._get_cal_data(dir_path, spec_data.metadata, chan) if cal_data is None:"No calibration data for channel {chan}") messages.append(f"No calibration data for channel {chan}") continue"Calibrating {chan} with data from {cal_data.file_path}") idx = spec_data.metadata.chans.index(chan) for ilevel in range(spec_data.metadata.n_levels): level_metadata = spec_data.metadata.levels_metadata[ilevel] data[ilevel][:, idx] = self._calibrate( level_metadata.freqs, data[ilevel][:, idx], cal_data ) messages.append(f"Calibrated {chan} with data from {cal_data.file_path}") metadata = SpectraMetadata(**spec_data.metadata.dict()) metadata.history.add_record(self._get_record(messages)) return SpectraData(metadata, data)
def _get_cal_data( self, dir_path: Path, metadata: SpectraMetadata, chan: str ) -> Union[CalibrationData, None]: """Get the calibration data""" cal_data = None for reader in self.readers: try: cal_data =, metadata, chan) break except CalibrationFileNotFound: logger.debug(f"Calibration reader {} did not find file") except Exception: logger.debug(f"Calibration reader {} failed reading file") return cal_data